Monday, 30 April 2012

President Obama's humor goes to the 'dogs' during annual dinner

President Obama's humor goes to the 'dogs' during annual dinner

The humor at the 98th annual White House Correspondents' Association Dinner went to the dogs. President Barack Obama poked fun Saturday at everything, from the Secret Service scandal to the lavish spending by the Government Services Administration, to the upcoming general election. However, it was a spoof about Mitt Romney and his dog Seamus that highlighted the president's monologue. The joke recalled a political ad released by the Newt Gingrich campaign that took aim at Romney for admitting he once put his family dog in a cage and perched it on the top of his car.

"I know everybody is predicting a nasty election, and thankfully, we've all agreed that families are off-limits," the president said. "Dogs, however, are apparently fair game." The president's punch line: An ad by a phony Super PAC that featured Romney on Air Force One with a dog cage on top of the aircraft and promoted dog freedoms, while warning of Obama's policy of dog socialism.

"Under his leadership, man's best friend has been forced into automobiles. Imagine the European-style socialism that he has planned for the next four years," the spoof ad said. The president even poked fun at himself over recent criticism by the Romney campaign about revelations in his book, "Dreams From My Father," where he revealed he was fed dog meat as a boy in Indonesia.

"That's pretty rough. But I can take it, because my stepfather always told me, it's a boy-eat-dog world out there," Obama said. The president referred to former vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin's recent guest hosting on "Today," saying it "reminds me of an old saying -- What's the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull? A pit bull is delicious."

The dinner was Obama's fourth as president. It has been a ritual in Washington since 1920, when it was first held to boost communication between the press and the president. Journalists and news organizations were well-represented at the affair, and they brought famous faces in tow

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